Welcome to the Hollyfields Community microsite with helpful links and information.
Shuttle Information:
Morning pickup location: Visitor Bay opposite Berkeley Homes Sales and Marketing Suite on Duncalf Road.
Evening pickup location: Outside Tunbridge Wells Station, on the side of The Range store.
Shuttle timetable:
Morning timetable
Hollyfields to Tunbridge Wells Station
Departs: 6:30
Arrives: 6:45
Departs: 7:00
Arrives: 7:15
Departs: 7:30
Arrives: 7:45
Departs: 8:00
Arrives: 8:15
Evening timetable
Tunbridge Wells Station to Hollyfields
Departs: 18:20
Arrives: 18:30
Departs: 18:40
Arrives: 18:50
Departs: 19:00
Arrives: 19:10
Departs: 19:20
Arrives: 19:30
Departs: 19:45
Arrives: 20:00
Departs: 20:15
Arrives: 20:30